A couple of days back I happened to attend an interview for a content reviewer position. Typically, as in most interview proceedings, the situation demanded me to wait. Along with other candidates I too started waiting...for hours.
For few minutes I observed the body language of other job seekers. Some were just sitting patiently to hear their beautiful name to be called by the HR. Some were browsing through the 'same' news paper again and again, just to keep themselves busy. Some were getting increasingly impatient and pestering the counselor about the delay.
Now all these variations made me to think of how best we can utilize our waiting time for our own betterment. Waiting is part of our daily lives. We wait for the bus, train etc. If commuting we have plenty of waiting time. Hospitals, theaters, traffic, meeting a higher official, marketing etc there are so many areas in our lives that force us to wait.
Coming back to my interview scene, I thought of writing some key points for this article instead of wasting my time waiting for my call.
Note: I have written these tips keeping in mind the typical interview situation. But most of the tips are applicable to other areas and waiting situations of our lives as well.
Here are the 'waiting' tips:
1. Observe: Waiting is a great opportunity for us to observe people. No other situation provides such a rare offering to know the patience level of the person involved. In fact, we can know different shades of the person if you let him/her wait for more time than usual.
2. Connect with the new: You can meet new people and can understand different perspectives. Only when we allow ourselves to greet the unknown, we can taste the beauty of life.
3. Visualize a funny incident: To sharpen your imagination, use this time to think of a funny incident that happened in your life or a movie. If you don't remember, just create a funny incident in front of you, with the people around you as the characters...but all in the imagination
4. Take a break: If you get bored, take a break and have a coffee
5. Breathe: I am not talking about normal involuntary breathing. Just breathe in and breathe out ...slowly and consciously. This will reduce the nervousness and eases you from the boredom or tension, if any
6. Write something: You can take a paper and write something about your current state of mind, a poem on yourself, or just an essay describing 'you'
7. Play a game: Design a mind game and play it all in your imagination. This is the best way to exercise your brain.
8. Call: We often get caught in our busy lives and forget the old friends who have made a difference in our life. Just make a call and share your happiness. Or call someone you haven't called in for years and give them a surprise. Share your experiences
9. Think: Think of an idea that would change your life or your current position. We often neglect or ignore many important things in our life. If only they get considerable attention they will get done. So think of some ideas to implement them
10. Find Solutions: Imagine and create solutions for future waiting situations like these so that you can be more productive. If you anticipate a waiting situation, carry a small book with you, it will help you to get rid of the boredom and you can also gain some wisdom too.
11. Think like a CEO: If you were the CEO of the company what measures would you take to vanish this waiting time, like placing some indoor games, providing books or any interesting literature like joke books and funny magazines just to make them feel light, or providing a meditation hall. Just think.
12. Sort out a Common Problem: Devise a plan for a common problem faced by all...like traffic-jams for example. You may not get a solution immediately but as you think over the raw idea can be refined until it forms a life-changing concept.
13. Rehearse: You can rehearse your answers for the interview in the mind. This boosts your confidence level.
14. Play a Dual role: Imagine yourself as the interviewer and ask questions, now reverse the role and just play the interviewee and answer them.
So that's all from my side...I want you to provide your ideas for the same. Did you 'wait' for something recently? Please do share your experiences...
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